Sunday, November 13, 2011

I Have Made My Choise

Remember when I talkded aboul the Versace for H&M collection! I said that I diddn´t know what I thought about it. Well as the title confirms I have made my choise. I like it. And I like alot of the pieces. And this trenchcoat is my favorite. It's a beatiful, timeless, classy but still tough. Just the way I want it! And the fact that it is made out of leather is even better, because everybody who knows me know that I love leather. I want it so bad.

Also I love alot of dresses in the collection that i woulden't mind. Other items as well so my last post about this collection don't read it. I have made up my mind.

By the way I orded the dress I talked about in my last post on the internet, I hope it fits good!

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