Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fashion Questions

What is your name?
Jintte Emelie George

Where do you live?
Sweden, Södertälje
When were you born?
1993 may 28
Do you like fashion?
No, I love
Describe your style in three words?
Classic, trendy and jeans!
Are you a fashion slave?
Yes, but not tooo mutch!
 What are your favorite shops, stores?
Zara and H&M, but this season H&M has been really bad so I have to say just Zara...
 You can buy second hand?
Never had and don't think I will!
What is your favorite designer?
Ohh hard question, I can't choose so I have to skipe this one.
How much can shop for a month?
It really depends, but not so mutch as a lot of people think!
Most expensive item and cheapest?
My Mulberry Bayswater is the most expensive. Cheapest? Nothing I could think about right now but I have alot, for example shoes and bags that i bought for less than 50 sek.

Do you think you will be able to shop as much in 10 years as you do today?
Yes think so, I hope for more:D
 High heels or low-heeled?
High heels or flats, NOTHING in between!

 What is your dream bag?
A black Hermes birkin, just like everyone else, such a boring answear! But that is just one of them, I have alot more. I have already bought some of them..

What will your next purchase be?
I don't know, probably a shirt or somting like that.
Favorite Blog?, loove it!

Who are your style icons?
I really don't have someone special...Well someone that I could think about now is Olivia Palmeo, she inspires me...

When did you discover your interest in fashion?
When I was relly young, in magazines and fashion shows on tv I think!
What would you like to work with in the future?
Fashion ofcourse!
Favourite Garments right now?
My jeans from gina tricot haha...
Favorite Accessories right now?
Louis Vuitton Speedi, Mulberry Bayswater and my black boots from Scorett! And the Hermes bracelet!

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